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The Myth Series: 3 Major Wedding Myths Debunked

There are quite a number of funny myths flying around these days. It’s so amusing that as an event planner I laugh so hard whenever I hear any of these absurd myths. Some of these myths have been in existence for a long time and it has been generally accepted without it being questioned because of its long existence. 

Just so you know, some of these myths are old schooled and outdated. These perceptives have been deeply rooted into our belief system so no one can prove its authenticity.

The narratives of wedding planning has changed and evolved especially in this digital age. Your time and energy are precious so please don’t waste it worrying about baseless myths. 
Don’t worry, that is why everything event is here to set the record straight. In this blog post, we'll be sharing three common myth out of the numerous wedding myths..

1. Tossing of Bouquet: The gist about tossing of bouquet is that the single lady that catches the bouquet automatically becomes the next bride.

The struggle is usually real whenever the bride throws the bouquet, the ladies ends up injuring themselves  and fighting each other all because they want to be the next bride by catching the bouquet. Uhmm, I’m so sorry to burst the bubbles of the bridesmaids that are looking forward to this experience, it’s all a myth and it isn’t real. 

It was fun while it last so my dear bridesmaids, take part in this game but don’t be disappointed if that bobo doesn’t propose to you next month.

2. The Groom’s Opinion Doesn’t Matter: In this part of the world, people have nurtured the belief and idea that wedding is centred on the lady and it’s about the lady, thereby ignoring the guy in question. Well, I beg to disagree. As long as the guy will be involved in saying “I do”, it’s the same way he should be involved in “I do” process. 

Darling, as much as it’s your important day, it’s his important day also so please don’t deprive him of that. The groom definitely has opinions of his own, though the bride is likely to have a stronger opinion on most of the wedding issues. The good news is that the wedding planning will also strengthen your bond as a couple.

3. To Hell with an Event Planner: “I don’t need a professional to plan my wedding; my grandmother planned my mother’s wedding, why can’t my mother plan mine?”. 

My sister, do I need to remind you that you are no longer in the apoche age, lazer cut has taken over. There are some artistic measures that needs to be in place and it takes a skilful planner to pull the strings.

My dear readers, we have successfully set the record straight about these irrelevant myths. Please, feel free to add to the list of other wedding myths that comes to your mind in the comment section. 

Thank you for stopping by, caio.