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How to Choose the Best Location for Your Pre-wedding Shoot


Yipeeee!! You're finally ready to tie the knot, congratulation loves. I’m sure the wedding plans have started already. The most important thing during a pre-wedding shoot is photography. These days, pre-wedding shoot has become an essential part of weddings and photographers add it to the package for wedding photography, thereby giving the couple a very good deal. There are several things to look out for when choosing your pre-wedding shoot photographer. Gone are those days when photography is just about clicking of the camera. Pre-wedding shoots are quite exciting and people do have fun in their shoot. Well, pre-wedding shoots are not compulsory or necessary. It’s okay if you don’t want to go through pre-wedding shoot buhaha. Before embarking on the journey of pre-wedding shoot, there are certain things to consider like the location for the shoot. We bring to you five tips on how to choose the perfect destination for your memorable pre-wedding shoot.


Your personality matters a lot when choosing a location and concept for your pre-wedding shoot. When your personality and style sync with the location, it will reflect in the picture thereby making it beautiful. Don’t ignore your personalities when picking a location as couple. It’s obvious that a reserved and conservative couple would prefer an indoor shoot to an outdoor shoot. Going against your personalities will make you uncomfortable during the shoot and the outcome of the picture would be disastrous.


While choosing a location, do not forget the idea behind your concept. The concept for a landscape or natural shoot cannot work for a resort or a marketplace. Your concept has to align with the location. Your concept will help the photographer to decide the type of equipments or props to take along or use for the shoot.


You might have gotten to know about the location through a friend or by surfing the internet. It is very important to visit the location yourselves as a couple to see the real deal so that you won’t be disappointed on the day of the shoot. If possible, take your photographer along for him to attest if the location is right for the type of concept you have in mind.


After you must have chosen your photographer, meet with him and discuss. During your discussion, the photographer would notice some traits that would help him during the shoot. At the same time, you would build a cordial relationship with your photographer. Sometimes couple might be void of concept or location. The photographer would definitely come up with something nice and creative. Just trust him to create something magical.


This shoot is a like a break from the wedding preparations and stress. This is a time for you to loosen up, relax and have fun. Put asides all worries about the wedding. This is a date with your significant other, enjoy it, laugh, be playful, be romantic because your body language determines how flexible and relaxed you will be during the shoot. Be goofy, look into each other’s eyes and be happy. The photographer will get nice shots when you are not conscious of the camera and the people around. Beautiful moments are better captured unaware. 

Hire the best and afford photographer. You don’t need to break a bank to get a very good photographer. At the end of it all, you are the key determinate to having a beautiful and memorable pre-wedding shoot 

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