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Eyidayo'21: A Journey of Love and Faith


It's a month exactly since Feyikemi walked down the aisle to meet her beau. With butterflies in her belly and the angels singing melodious songs in heaven to celebrate this union of love, Feyikemi was joined in holy matrimony with the love of her life, Oladayo Israel Akinwunmi. If you're still a doubting Thomas when it comes to finding that significant other in church, then listen to Feyikemi and Israel's love story.

I met my husband in 2019 at Living Faith Church, Gbekuba, Ibadan in a Sunday service. As I sat beside him, I greeted him but he didn't respond because he was paying rapt attention to what the Pastor's sermon. Immediately, I heard in my spirit, "that's your husband". Fast forward to May 2019, we attended a bible school together called WOFBI. Through the bible school, we became close friends. We fasted, prayed and evangelized together, not knowing that he was investing in me. That was how I was officially launched into the ministry of a Pastor's wife, my husband literally became my spiritual father.

As Baba see sey e don invest in me, he asked me out sharp sharp without wasting time. I can never forget the exact words he used, "Feyikemi, let me be your distraction, don't look for any other man, I can be everything you want in a man". That statement started it all and now it's a month already and the honeymoon has just begun.

Happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs Akinwunmi.