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3 Reasons For Designing a Mood Board

Happy new week guys. My yard people, during the weekend, I learnt something new. I was so excited about it that  my hand started itching to put it into writing to you, mi amigos😉. So this is the gist, I learnt how to design a wedding mood board. "Mood board, what is the meaning of mood board?" Oops!!😬 This is your first time of hearing about it?. Let me be your lecturer today and give you a little lecture on what a mood board is and the reasons for designing it. "Mood boards are physical or digital collages that arrange images, materials, text, and other design elements into a format that’s representative of the final design’s style"- Designers

In a simple term, a mood board is a pictorial representation of your forth coming event or project. "Creating mood boards allows you to collect thoughts, ideas, color schemes and moods in one place and define a coherent design concept without risk of losing sight of the bigger picture. Visual concepts are a constant source of inspiration, the huge motivators that make you feel empowered".-Sample board

Mind you, a mood board is not peculiar to event planners only, other professionals make use of a mood board in their different fields (stylist, decorators, photographers, bloggers, web designers e.t.c). The professions might be different but the motives are the same. A mood board has to contain colour, font, pattern and motif.


*COMMUNICATION TOOL: For the sake of this article, let's limit the scope to wedding planning. Before an event planner can start a mood board, he/she will need to have a delibrate meeting with the client. Through this meeting the client will be able to communicate his/her ideas. After evaluating the client's ideas and concept, the planner would use the mood board to communicate the client's idea back to him or her. The mood board will do most of the talking in the next meeting between the client and the planner. Some clients find it difficult to communicate their ideas so it also serves as a means to bridge the communication gap between the client and the planner.

*VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF IDEAS: You're going to have a hard time as a planner if all your client can bring to the table are the words of his mouth. You would have issues visualizing the client's thoughts. The ideas of the client becomes a take home assignment for the planner. As a planner, after spending time on a mood board and combining both the client's idea and yours, the vision and concept becomes clear. Presenting the mood board to the client and vendor will help them have a clear vision of what they are working on.

*STRENGTHENS RELATIONSHIP WITH CLIENTS: Designing a mood board is based on personal preference. When designing a mood board for a client, your ideas has to align with that of the client. The involvement of the client in the process of the creating the mood board help to strengthens relationship and encourage teamwork thereby reducing the chances of disagreement. The clients will be pleased with the final outcome when they are involved in the process of designing the mood board.

Don't play safe when designing a mood board, let your creativity loose. Think outside the box and beyond the event. Add a little twist to spice things up and even something that has your personal signature written all over it would go a long way. "Is it only the event planner that is licensed to design a mood board?" Hell no!!🙅 A client can design his or her mood board and present it to the planner. They can later work on it.

Mood board can be designed with free software apps that requires little or no stress like Pinterest, Mood board, Moodzer, Adobe spark and Canva. Well, I used Canva for my first mood board practice and the outcome was nice. 

Feels good sharing with you guys what I have been up to during the week, now you know what a mood board is and have the idea of how to design one. Good luck on designing a mood board for your next project.

Picture Credit: Pinterest and Bella Naija Weddings

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