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The 2 Factors Against ASO EBI trend in Nigeria's Owambe

Saturdays are for owambe and Aso ebi. Aso ebi is a uniformed attire worn in for owambe in Nigeria and some African countries like Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, just to mention a few. Aso ebi which literally means “family outfit” is worn to show solidarity, support and confer honour to the organizer or host of the party. No one seems to know where the concept of Aso-ebi started from. The outfit could be in form of a lace material, wax, george, aso oke, adire and an african print called Ankara. The owambe may not necessary be a wedding ceremony. It could be any form of party like birthday, funeral, naming ceremony, house warming e.t.c

Beyond solidarity and support for the host. Aso-ebi serves as a form of family identification in an event. Aso ebi is kind of a big deal here in Nigeria. Every Nigerian mother can’t wait for that period to pick Aso ebi, it’s like a dream come true for them. The bride and her train try as much as possible to choose the trendiest Aso-Ebi that is cost friendly and also of good quality. Aso ebi can be sown in different styles and be adorn with different accessories

In recent times, there has been a great revolt against the trend of Aso ebi. It's not because the materials are not beautiful enough or they are of low quality. Here are the two reasons many people have risen against the Aso ebi trend

1) OUTRAGEOUS PRICES: Many party guests complain about how outrageous the prices of these materials are. There has been complaint about brides and family members who hikes the prices of these materials for selfish reasons best known to them. This leads to the isolation and exclusion of some family and friends who can’t afford the expensive materials. Though there are certain individuals that would buy Aso-Ebi even if it cost a fortune but these people are only a little fraction amongst the numerous party goers.

2) PREFRENCIAL TREATMENT: In Nigerian parties, there is always a preferential treatment for anyone who put on Aso Ebi. It is believed that anyone who puts on the material is either a close friend or a family member. You will be ignored when it comes to the distribution of food and souvenirs if you are not putting on the preferred Aso ebi of the day. This has made many people feel inferior in a gathering of people wearing the “Family outfit”.

Everyone needs to know that Aso-Ebi trend is here to stay. Now, my take on this issue is that as much as we want to show support, we should also do it within our means. These days, there are usually two or more types of Aso Ebi materials picked for party with different price range. Just go for the one that is within your means because Aso Ebi is one of the elements that makes a Nigeria parties beautiful and colourful and so that trend is going nowhere. I would also advice that you wear whatever you find in your closet as long as it is clean, fitting and ready to wear.

The question is, can Nigeria parties still retain the essence of owambe without that beautiful touch of Aso ebi? Please drop your answers and opinion in the comment section below. 



  1. Either we like it or not, in Nigeria parties especially weddings, Aso-ebi will always be worn either by the celebrant's immediate family or by the whole community.
    Aso-ebi is usually on thing that brings people together, it makes people identify with the celebrants, and most people look forward to the day they will wear aso-ebi to honor their loved ones, hence, the whole vibe in Owanbe.

    In my own view, Nigeria parties can still retain the essence of Owanbe without Aso-ebi but then, with Aso-ebi, you take the party to a next level 😁😊

    1. I agree with you.
      Aso ebi gives a party guest a unique sense of pride.
