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The 5 Things You Should Avoid Doing as a Owambe Guest

You have been invited to a owambe as a guest for the first time as an “adult”, since you have been an “omo get inside” all your years growing up. You are kinda confused because you don’t know what you are expected to do or what you aren’t expected to do in a Nigeria’s owambe party. You don't need to worry, we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a list of 5 things you should avoid doing as a owambe guest.

*DON’T Wear Your Everyday Casuals: Respect the trend. Wearing your casuals or a cooperate wear to a owambe is a little bit odd and out of place. That outfit could fit in perfectly in a western wedding. Na naija we dey, Aso ebi or any native wear is a culture in owambe. Like I mention earlier in the previous article, Aso ebi is a way of conferring honour and displaying solidarity for the organizer or host of a party.  Dress up to the standard even though you are not part of the aso ebi geng.

*DON’T Outshine the Celebrant: It’s almost a sin for a guest to outshine the celebrant. Be moderate in your dressing. I am not disputing the fact that you have the freedom to dress however you like. However, when your outfit becomes a distraction, people’s attention is moved from the event to your dressing. You’ll be uncomfortable and not enjoy yourself. Someone once said that a wedding is not the proper place to make a fashion statement which I totally agree with. You will steal the attention in a negative way with your arrival in a wedding all dolled up like a Yeezy’s model.

*DON’T Forget To Eat From Home: Going to a party with an empty stomach is like a suicide mission. One of the basic elements of Owambe is “food” but people fail to understand  that the food might not be surplus. It’s better you stuff your stomach at home with enough food so that you won’t be disappointed. If you are not wearing the aso ebi, don’t make the mistake of going there without eating because there is a very high probability that you might not get served.

*DON’T Show up Empty handed: Curtsey demands that you take something asides from yourself to a party. The gift doesn’t have to be expensive. Your nice gesture will be appreciated

*DON’T Forget to Have Fun: The number one reason for accepting the invitation in the first place is to have fun. Loosen up, don’t be uptight, laugh out hard, go with the flow,  dance and move to the groove. All I’m saying in essence is have fun and create memories that you would always refer to with a huge smile on your face. You could meet new people that would end up being a long time business partner, friend or even lover.

Dear owambe first timer, hope we've been able to solve your misery about being an owambe guest. Thanks for reading


  1. Need one for my MOH's duties please!

    1. Noted ma'am, your request shall be attended to as soon as possible.
      Thank you for reading
