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Four Trends in Event Management

As we ruminate on the changes that 2020 has brought into the event industry, we need to adapt to what 2021 has in stock  in event planning. A lot has changed in the event world due the pandemic and there is a necessity for event to continue but with health safety in mind. People keep wondering what the future of event is in this post-pandemic era. Well, here are the four trends in event industry which were birthed as a result of the pandemic.

*Hybrid Event: This is the future of event planning and it has come to stay. An hybrid event is the bridge between virtual and in- person event. Let's just say in clear terms that it is the combination of virtual and in-person. After the pandemic, people were anxious to get back to the events they have missed and cancelled  at the same time being conscious of their safety. Voom, then came the  innovation of hybrid event. If as a guest you don't feel comfortable in a room with other people, just stay in the comfort of your home and participate in the  event.

*Virtual Event: The first article was on virtual wedding and I think people have still not come to terms with the fact that this type of event  is going nowhere, in fact this is just the beginning. Guest and event attendees got accustomed to the concept of virtuality which made them to attend meeting and events in the comfort of their homes.

*Micro Events: These events involve a small number of guests. With health safety in mind, micro events became quite popular with the involvement of social distancing and wearing of nose mask. This trend became a popular trend because of the limit in venue and the restriction in the number of guests an hall should contain by the government and compliance with COVID safety guidelines. Micro event gives the guest a feel of intimacy.

*Data-Driven Events: Some event technologies have made it easy to gather data from events. Once an event is data driven the total registrations, number of attendees per session, how long they watched, the number of chats, how many views each sponsorship page had, and so much more. After an event, the planner could get feedbacks and gather survey after the event through different apps. Guest can also involve in Q/A by posting their questions.

The world is evolving so also the event industry. This is a wake-up call for event planners to upgrade and be updated about the latest trend in event without loosing sight of what use to be the trend in event management. 

We hope you have learnt something new today!! Stay tune for more fabulous tips and interesting articles.

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