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Digital Skills For Event Planning

Some weeks back, I had to register for a wedding invitation on a mailing list, so that way, I would receive a personalized invitation card in my mail. I can tell you, as a digital marketer, I absolutely loved the idea of it! It is quick, efficient, technology forward and there is no case of......

“Ah Jane Doe, you did not invite me for your wedding o”

“No o! I invited you, check your wazapp. It was a small wedding.”

Abeg, abeg, abeg! There is a better way to do it.

So when Joy, The Events Planner Pro Max asked me for an article, I decided to write this piece-How marketing skills aid your event planning. My name is Konge, and I am a digital marketer.

- Crowd Control: Creating a short term email list helps you define how many guests you would be having at your event, hence, less risk of uninvited guests - “mo gbo, mo ya”. A defined list will help you as to how much food you’re serving, how much souvenirs, you’re sharing and most importantly, how big the venue of your event should be.

- Gain More Traction:
 It’s weird because I just talked about crowd control, yes? But how about an event where you need a big crowd and you need it very organically? – People who are interested in your event, and not just random people who stop by because there is news that food will be shared. This is where online ads and campaigns come in, you set your target audience and collect their details to give them further information on what they need to know about the event.

- Filter Your Guests: Omooooo! I cannot stress this enough! You certainly do not want everybody at your event please! This is where landing pages come in and you give out all the information that they need to know, thereby filtering out the people you don’t need. A lot of people just click because they see. Only serious people will end up signing up, especially in the case of an event like a seminar. Don’t be scared, it is worth it in the end. You don’t want everybody feeding off you. Refer back to point 1.

- Give Attendees Prior Information: This is very important if your event has guidelines or rules. This would prevent a lot of “I thought…” and “I didn’t know”. When you get the contacts of guests and attendees, you can easily send personalized mails to them on all they need to know, what they should get and they will be getting from you. It also gives them a more interesting view of you as you can make custom, engaging mails for them.

- Keep up with your invitees:
This is my favourite part of digital marketing. I don’t even have to chase after my clients or make disturbing incessant calls or texts. I just easily construct a personalized letter so they feel my presence as they read and then allow them to mail me back. You can tell them of upcoming events or just tell them of new things you are doing or appreciate them for attending. Trust me, you will have them coming for more when you send new invites. It is easy and effective.

I like to encourage all business owners to have this particular digital skill because I see how well SMEs grow from it. I myself am a beneficiary of digital marketing as a skill and the students I tutor never have issues either. You may sign up for my training designed strictly for business owners at N10,000 on - to learn more on what I have shared with you.

I would like to thank Joy for this opportunity to share this much on her blog. Everything Event is definitely one of my favorite weekly reads! Now, I’d like to retire to my position as a reader. Thank you *heart emoji*


  1. Thank you for honouring our invitation,Konge. I personally loveeeee this article.

  2. Thank you very much for having me 😊
