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How To Choose a Proposal Ring

You are about to pop the big question but you're nervous. You aren't nervous because you think she might turn you down in the presence of your family and friends. Your nervousness is caused by a little inanimate object called a "proposal ring". Choosing a proposal ring can be tricky and tacky but if you follow the tips below, you will get the perfect ring for that significant person.

*RESEARCH: My dear brother, after making up your mind to spend the rest of your life with that person; the first thing to do is to make a proposal ring research. There are different sites and apps where you get inspiration from like Pinterest. Research will give an idea of what to shop for because some rings look quite similar. It's better to know what you want before going to a jewelry store or even contacting a jeweller. If you settle for a diamond, do research on the 4Cs which are cut, colour, clarity and carat weight.

*BUDGET: Proposal rings of good quality can be a bit on the high side. It is advisable to have a budget so that you can get what is within your means. After researching, you will definitly get a ring that fits into your budget. You could meet a nice jeweller who would get you something nice with your budget

*NEGOTIATION: Man up, be a boss and don't be afraid to negotiate. That is why it is best to make research before contacting any jeweller. Stepping into a jewelry store or contacting a jeweller without a foreknowledge of what you want and the amount you are willing to spend will attract extortion from some dishonest jewellers.

*FIANCE'S STYLE: There is a popular saying that diamonds are a girl's best friend. Sorry to disappoint sir, not every girl loves diamond. Another man's food is another man's poison, your girl is different from every other girl. Knowing your girl's preference in jewelry will be a determinant factor for the type or kind of ring to choose.

*RING SIZE: It would be a disaster if you pick a ring size that obstruct the circulation of blood on her finger or a ring that falls off at every interval. To avoid this, stylishly measure the fourth finger on her left hand or you could ask anyone close to her to do that for you. Another option is to use her fashion ring as some sort of measurement but that is if she wears one. If it's a surprise proposal, you could take a friend of hers along so as to choose the right ring.

With these tips, you should be able to get that perfect ring. Future boo, take notes of these tips also. Don't get a ring that will restrain my blood flow o. 

Contact Renée store for proposal rings of different types on IG: @renee_store_ or 07034741756