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Importance of Hashtags in Events

Recently, hashtag has been a core essential in events especially for wedding ceremonies. You can't find a wedding without it. Hashtag is one of the trending thing in the industry. Don't be discouraged if you are having "hashtag block". Creating hashtags might seem stressful, difficult and even brain tasking. Well, I would advice you not to embark on this journey alone. Sit with friends or family members to brainstorm on a memorable and catchy hash tags for your event or you could hire someone to create it for you. Don't be surprised, crreating hashtag is a soruce of income for some people.

Hashtags can be created through several ways like using the theme of the event, coining the names of the couple, nickname, date of the event, when and where the couple met, silly jokes of the couple e.t.c

Despite the fact that hash tags have grown in popularity, some people find it strange and uncalled for. I guess we should educate them on the importance of creating event hashtags. Ladies and gentlemen, we bring to you four #HashTag reasons for creating hashtags (winks).

1. #ForUniqueness

Hash tags have personalities embedded in them. Yup, you heard me right!. These personalities are usually the personality of the organizers or host of the event. For example, when creating a wedding hash, the names or initials of the couple are taken into consideration. The personality of the hashtag is what makes it unique and different from other similar events.

2. #CreatingAwareness

For events that is organized for the public, adding hashtags to your anticipation pictures, videos, or graphic design would help create noise on social media platforms. Hashtags can be said to be a noise maker for any type of event.

A large percent of people are at least on one social media platform. The noise of your event will be resounding when people start seeing the hash tag everywhere, they will be captivated and would want to know what the event is all about.

3. #EasyIdentification

Hashtags will create uniformity for your event on all social media platforms. They can be relatable and easily identified as the same event by people especially if the event is organized for the members of the public.

4. #ForFun

I can guarantee you 100% fun during the process of creating the hashtag. You will laugh at each other when you come up with silly and funny hashtags. The beautiful thing is that your creative faculty becomes active and in the midst of coining those silly hashtags, you will create that particular one that makes your heart beat fast. You could play with words also.

Please take note of the following tips when creating hashtags

*Try as much as possible to make it short.

*Avoid tongue twisting hashtags.

*The first letter in each word of your hashtag should be in capital letter

*Make it catchy

We hope these tips have been helpful. Make that hashtag catchy enough to attract people.

Thanks for reading.

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