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A-Z Jargons in Event Management

You might think, “this post is for planners na, wetin concern me?”. E concern you o, my sister because na you go first complain sey planner dey use big big grammar collect money from ya hand. It’s better to have a foreknowledge of this now for versatility purpose. Some of these terms might sound strange to the amateurs and also the professionals in this industry. Today, we are going to be shedding more light into looming darkness.

1. A/V

This is the acronym of audiovisual, it is the combination of sound, lighting and projection in an event

2. B2B

This stands for “Business to Business”. It is used for cooperate or business related events.

3. Conference Pack

Looking for a proper way to disseminate information to your guests? Get a conference pack. It basically contains a schedule, map and information about the event or the venue.

4. DMO

Event Planners uses Destination Marketing Organization to secure an attractive location or destination for events out of town

5. Event Management Software

This software is used by Event planners or companies to manage events

6. Force Majeure Clause

This is a clause included in the contract that a vendor or venue is not responsible for any unexpected mishap at an event.

7. Get-In

This refers to the allotted time for the crew to scrutinize the venue for setup before the arrival of the guests.

8. Honorarium

This is also a general term but don’t let me assume that most people know the meaning. It is used to describe a fee paid to a guest speaker.

9. Installation and Dismantle

An event and uninstalling it after the event
Chai! See me trying to flush A for Apple, B for Boy... from my head and get acquainted with these new wK.A “Setup and Take Down”, it’s the process of preparing an equipment before an ords. Omo! It’s not easy o but I don’t mind using my grey hair to learn all these sha since money is involved. We meuveeeee

10. Keynote

It refers to the opening speech or important plenary session at a meeting that sets up the tone and mood for the event.

11. Load-In

This the specific period of time for moving in equipment into the venue for installation.

12.Master Account

This is an account set up to hold all the expenses for a particular group. This account is mostly handled by the planner

13. No-show

This term refers to an expected guest who is absent and didn’t inform the organizer of the delay or absence.

14. Overbooked

This is when an event venue has more reservation than it is booked for.

15. Post Event Report

This is a document that contains in the details the report from an event, ranging from the number of attendees, profits and many more.
16. Q/A
This is a session in an event set aside for asking questions. This is mostly done during a conference.

17. Registration Area

An area designated in a venue solely for handling guest registration and their registration fee.

18. Shell Scheme

A shell scheme is a module system where exhibitors can showcase their services or products

19. Traffic Flow:

This describes the movement of guests at an event.

20. Usher

This is a person who shows a guest to his/her seat. An usher is also known as Hostesses

21. Virtual Trade Show

This is an online tradeshow. It is an avenue where vendors and buyers communicate online regardless of the products and service

22. Webinar   

These are online seminars, sessions or presentations. Most of the time,
Webinars are live streamed.
Guys, an idea just popped into my mind, who wants to hear it? So this is it, let’s do a treasure hunt for the missing letters. Don’t worry, there is “goodie goodie” for anyone who finds these alphabets with their jargons (winks). The missing letters are J, X, Y and Z. Drop your treasures in the comment section and get your reward.

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