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Five Things to Expect in Event'22.

Voilà! It's 2022. Hope it's not too late to say Happy new year to our beautiful readers out there. Yeah, 2022 looks promising to everyone especially in the event industry but so as not to fall into the same ditch as 2021, we need to re-strategize and improve on our planning and management skill both as planner and upcoming host.

More often, event planners focus more on issues relating to strategies surrounding the looks and staging of the event and forget about trying to understand what the guests expect from the event. As much as the looks, design and staging are important the expectations of the audience are also very important.

In this post, we will be talking about some things that the guests would desire or love to see in the events they would be attending in 2022

*Satisfactory and True Information Flow

The first thing a guest would want to know before being a part of an event is the values the event promises to deliver and the kind of experience to expect from the event

Event planners have been trying as much as possible to be transparent in the time past. It is very Important that all the information provided are satisfactory, true, accurate and reliable. The information should not be vague or tricky. In case of any new development to the program of the event, guests want to receive accurate, decent and timely information before the start of the event. 

That is why event program is detailed with the information of the vendors involved in the program but this time around, in addition to event programs, there would be a swift and smooth flow of information digitally with the use of technology. Yes, I said "digitally". Check the next point to see what I am implying.


Today, children at their very tender age know their way around any type of technology they lay their hands on. The world is really evolving fast that we need to catch up so as not to miss the train. The event industry is not left out of these changes and it has experienced a tremendous change over the years in the area of technology.

Technology can increases productivity, event attendance, reduce related cost and also add to the proper dissemination of information as mentioned in the first point. With the rise of hybrid and virtual events, using the right tech can help the events to run smoothly. Examples of event technologies are registration software, virtual event software, event management software e.t.c

*Networking and Business Opportunities

A lot of times, what attracts participants to events goes beyond the fun they look to get from the event, a lot of people see events as a rich opportunity to network with other people of like minds. 

On the other hand, others might love an event settings that can provide a rich and special environment for marketing or selling. Depending on the type of event, some participants who seek partnering look forward to the opportunity to connect, cooperate, and partner with others.

Although the type of event determine the kind of opportunity that the guest can expect. Event planners understand that every guest wants something more than just fun. This is basically a wake up call for professional planners out there. The ability to find a balance will result in a "win-win situation" for both the guests and the planner. The guests will be satisfied and that makes the planner happy.

*Hybrid Events

Hybrid Event simply means the combination of both in-person guests and virtual guests. After the uncertainty that comes with the pandemic and the outbreak of another virus, Hybrid events seem like the future. The aim of hybrid event is to equally treatment both the in-house guests and the virtual guests. 

Though this type of event has not really been recognized in this part of the world but it’s definitely an escape route to host events this year. "Engagement is also what distinguishes a hybrid event from a live event with tech elements."-Brella Blog

Hybrid Event involves engagement from both parties unlike when you sit to watch Television. Hence, expect Hybrid Event in 2022 especially when it comes to cooperate events.


Regardless of the type of event, every participant love to enjoy themselves and have fun. Well, you have enter the right year for that so welcome to a fun filled year, my darlings. Adding a piece of fun to an event is icing on the cake or like adding a piece of spice to the food. 

I am telling you categorically that there are loads of side attractions in events'22. Its just left for you to leave your comfort zone and go out to have fun. An event is certified successful once the guests are happy so be rest assured that the planners of this year's events will live up to your expectations.

With all that been said, anticipate every event you will be attending this year because you will be wowed with the exquisite experience you would have.

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