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Three Temperaments of a Bride

We meet different brides everyday and each one of them makes us wonder if there is something that changes their temperament or character on their wedding day. 

Brides are expected to look pretty, radiant, elegant and at the same time keeping it cool and collected in the worse situations. It isn't easy for some of them so they exhibit characters that might seem different from their normal traits. 

Well, every bride is wired and programmed differently to handle pressure, that is why we will be grouping our brides into three categories of temperaments.


This bride has her emotions tensed up from the words of her friends during the bridal shower in the previous night. The d-day got her really "mushy mushy" from the prayers of her mother. 

The final straw that broke the camel’s back was the phone call she got from her lover who can't wait to journey to the end of forever with her. She couldn't hold it anymore that she burst into tears while the make up artist is busy dolling her face with makeup. Then everyone starts running helter-skelter and jamming their heads together because the bride is crying.

What about the bride that got tensed up and started crying when she heard that the M.C cancelled on her just few hours before the commencement of the event.


This is the ever smiling bride. Everyone feels comfortable and calm with a bride with this temperament. They are assured that no matter what happens the bride will keep smiling through it all. 

This is not to rule out the fact that she isn't agitated, it is her wedding day for crying out loud, she is agitated but she is just trying to pull up a strong front because that is her temperament.



Here comes the Margaret Thatcher bride that keeps everyone on their toes. Everyone tries as much as possible to put things in order so as not to infuriate her. There is no rest for everyone surrounding this category of brides until the end of the event. 

Barking out orders is the only way this bride can purge out emotions and also release built up tension. Under this "Margret Thatcher" mask is a lovely lady that can't wait to be joined together with her significant other.

In one way or another, you must have fallen under any of this category of brides or even encountered them. This is not to point out accusing finger or label any bride but this is to help manage the situation.

 My number one advice to anyone working with a bride is that you should never predict her temperament until the D-day.

Now, the only solution to these temperaments is to "go with the flow and be calm". If you don't predict the temperament of the bride before the d-day, it would be so easy to adapt with any trait she exhibits. 

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