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Must Read: Bridal Dresses and Styles For a Nikah Bride

Most of the time, when we talk about weddings, Nikah weddings are often omitted and not spoken about. I can't give you any concrete reason for that omission but I can tell you that everything event wants to dedicate this particular post to all our Nikah brides or brides-to-be. Before going further, I want wish all our muslim readers, friends and family a "Happy Eid Mubarak".

Back to the matter, a Nikah bridal dress differs from each other geologically. A traditional europe Nikah dress is different from the Nigerian bridal Nikah dress. The only thing that these bridal dresses have in common no matter the geological difference is that it conceal every part of the bride's body aside the face, feet and hands. Even as a trendsetter, you would think twice before flaunting this religious tradition.

Nikah bridal dresses are usually beautiful and elegant but its styles keeps evolving. As a Nikah bride-to-be, you have to be updated to avoid wearing a dress that is out of trend and fashion for your wedding.

Nikah bride invest a lot of time and resources on the colour, materials and fabric for their dress. To be honest the styles for Nikah dress are quite limited due to the consciousness of the tradition of concealing the body.

Brides have different personalities and that also determines the type of colour or material they will want to adorn their body with. Not every bride will want a bold and striking colour and fabric. Some may settle for a monochrome with amazing and sophisticated details.

We will never forget the place on henna in Nikah weddings. Nigerians call it Laali and Indians call Mehndi. Henna is applied on the bride's hands. Basically, it is a body art used to enhance the beauty of the bride. Though in other parts of the world, it has a deeper meaning. In India, tradition states that as long as the henna remains on the bride's hands, she won't do house chores. The deeper and longer the henna stain the better the marriage will be and the better the mother-in-law will be. Lol.

We hope you been able to learn something from today's article. Keep visiting the blog for more tips pertaining to events. Thank you all

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